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Recipe - Pheasant Skewers w/ Cajun Rub

Pheasant skewers w Cajun rub 
  • Cut breast meat into strips, no more than 3/4" wide, but 4" long, or as long as you can make them 
  • Add your favorite Cajun Dry rub 
  • Use either metal skewers or wood skewers that have been soaked in water
  • Put Pheasant on a skewer.  Wrap it back and forth in an S pattern.  Leave space between the wraps, don't have the pheasant all bunched up, as it will change the cooking time.
  • Cook over the grill for 4-5 minutes over medium heat, ~375 degrees.  Monitor to ensure it does not over or under cook, and if skewers start to burn, you will need to put water on them (I usually use beer).
  • Option 1: It is best if you can have a hot grill ( ~450 degrees), put the pheasant on for ~20 seconds turn once, wait ~20 seconds (don't let skewers start on fire), and then turn the direct heat off (leave a side burner on low, but no heat below the meat, or move meat to a higher rack) and cook for 9 minutes, or until it is finished.  You will want the pheasant to be cooked all the way through, which will take longer without direct heat.  Slower cooking will make it easier to create a more tender meal.  With direct heat cooking, you will have to monitor to ensure it does not over or under cook.